Friday, January 3, 2014

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

More roads to travel
More roads to travel
52 weeks had come and gone. We went through 52-plus T-shirts and a lot of memories. Many thanks to all of you for accompanying me in my journey.

I’ve learned a lot about blogging, (managing my presence in) social media, and myself along the way. Here are some random takeaways.
  • Getting a weekly post done can be difficult, especially if you have a day-job, a relationship, and your extra-curricular activities. However without those other things, my posts may not be as colorful. Also, I am quite lucky that my husband is my unofficial editor.
  • Inspiration cannot come on command and on schedule. I usually set aside Tuesday and Thursday evenings to write, but often times, only an outline of what I want to write comes out, and I cram on Saturdays. I guess that is part of the reason I have not gained momentum on writing my novel in spite of NaNoWriMo.
  • I do enjoy writing. Unless you have a photo blog, you almost have to write, write, write. My ideal job would be to writing about exotic places, eating local cuisine, and taking photographs. I do not have a lot of opportunity to do that with my current position. So, this blog gave me a good taste of what it will be like to write for a “living” (yeah, it can be difficult).
  • I love travelling. Most of my t-shirts are from my travels. I do miss it and look forward to getting back to it this year (Destination TBD).
  • Combining social media with your blogs can also be challenging, especially with normal people stuff outlined in the first bullet. I think my learning will still continue after this project and try to see how I can optimize my social media presence.

In the next few weeks, I will take a break and contemplate my next project. I have a couple of ideas for another blog and some may not require too much writing (I have the material already).

Also, I will not stop buying t-shirts, so who knows…

...Until next blog.