Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 4: I miss Hawaii.

This is bad. Only one month into winter, and I already miss the islands and warm weather. So this week’s shirt is from Kona, Hawaii.

Kona holds a special place in my heart. That is where my Sweetie and I were married. I think I got this shirt at that time – which makes this shirt rather seasoned.

Of all the towns in Hawaii, Kona feels most like home – maybe it is because we spent 10 days there during our wedding and honeymoon, and we’ve gone back there twice since.

Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles are also my favorite; hence the shirt. They are called honu in the Hawaiian language. I remember seeing a whole bunch of them munching on moss at Kahalu’u Beach Park, close to the church where we were married. My husband has accused me, sometimes falsely, of chasing sea turtles when snorkeling or diving. There was the turtle at Makai Pier in O’ahu who swam to almost 60 feet of water (I was still a beginner then and he was fast!!!) and the fictional turtle in the Caymans (I was not chasing a turtle, but I did see three spiny lobsters and a couple of conchs - more on this later). Sweetie has done his own share of following turtles at Anaeho’omalu Bay, also on the Kona Coast.

Just remember, when you see these gentle creatures, do keep your distance. Although I am a notorious turtle chaser, I’ve never really been within 10 feet of them. It’s for your own safety, as well as theirs. Those turtle beaks – sharp – they feed on coral, you know.

For more info on honu, check out Wild Hawaii or Monterey Bay Aquarium.

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