Saturday, August 3, 2013

Week 31: On the road again… To Crater Lake

It is still summer (although the recent Northern California weather does not reflect it), and it is still vacation season. So, we’re going on another road trip, and this time were Northward-bound. Our first stop: Crater Lake in Oregon.

This stop was actually from our trip to Mt. Bachelor (during early spring - see my first post). We were on our way back from skiing and stopped at Crater Lake to enjoy the views. Crater Lake is lake formed on the caldera of a collapsed volcano. It is known for its deep blue color and water clarity. Crater Lake is probably one of the best-known views in Oregon. However, it was snowing very hard, and we could barely see the two islands on the lake. At least, I was able to get a T-shirt.

Summer is probably the best time to see Crater Lake. I would love to return to Crater Lake and spend some time hiking, taking photos, and just enjoying the scenery. It is a long road trip from San Francisco. Driving to Weed, CA (where you take the road to Crater Lake) is probably about five to six hours. It’s probably another two and a half hours to the lake. Maybe next year…

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