Saturday, November 23, 2013

Week 47: Shirts I did not know I had - Hong Kong, Enter The Dragon

Shortly after I started this project, I took inventory of the shirts on the pile and had some sort of a plan laid out. Of course, things changed a bit as the weeks passed. Sometimes, I changed my topic because a different shirt felt more appropriate for the events of that week. During that inventory, I think I did notice that I had this next shirt, but completely forgot about it.

I bought this shirt when I was in Hong Kong in our grand adventure to China. The time in Hong Kong was a welcome stop after the trip in Mainland China.  Our last stop was in Guilin, which was beautiful but somewhat rural. We were ready for some big city amenities and some variety in food.

Our stay in Hong Kong now seems like an episode of The Hangover. It was a blur: We had three nights and two and a half days. We spent part of our visit in a really nice luxurious hotel and one night in the total opposite – a youth hostel. There was the Hotel General Manager with the $1000 gold rim glasses, my friend’s childhood friend and her Austrian boyfriend, the group of American old ladies who thought I was a native (and surprised when I started to talk), the two Chinese teenagers walking side by side on Nathan Road talking to each other on their cell phones, bunk beds in the hostel (we were fortunate, my friend and I got the room to ourselves), and other various tourists and characters we encountered.

Part of the tour package in Hong Kong was a half-day island tour which included a ride up Victoria Peak and seeing Aberdeen’s junk dwelling community, but that was probably the only organized part of the trip. The rest of the time we spent exploring: enjoying the cuisine at Hong Kong especially the dimsum which we had almost every morning, spent time in the Temple Street Night Market, dinner at Planet Hollywood – of all places (My friend’s friend’s boyfriend does not eat Chinese food), hung out with new friends during downtimes and compared travel notes, and of course, shopping. 

I bought this shirt while shopping, of course. I really like this shirt's design. I love the dragon which is considered lucky in Chinese culture. Also, red is considered lucky in Chinese, so it's doubly lucky. I also love the Chinese calligraphy. In addition to this t-shirt, I also bought one of my favorite sweaters there. I still have it, but needs a bit of repair. I am not sure what else I bought, though... but, I do remember that I had a huge suitcase (Sweet!)

I know things are probably a bit different now, but I would enjoy returning and exploring. There is so many things that we did not get to see – like the Giant Buddha and the Bruce Lee Statue. If anything, Hong Kong is a great stop in any trip back to Asia.

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