Saturday, May 18, 2013

Week 20: Bay To Breakers

1996 B2B ShirtIt’s Bay to Breakers Weekend in San Francisco. So I thought it would be appropriate to bring out my Bay to Breakers T-shirts and write about that event. Officially, these shirts, at least the white ones, are part of my regular t-shirt rotation. These shirts are pretty ratty and old, but comfortable. I wear the white ones most often around the house, especially during the summer. The dark-colored shirt, however, have not been seen by either my husband or I for a long, long while.

Bay to Breakers is really a fun walk or run. It is really more like a social gathering on foot. There are bands at every mile, people often ran in their own costumes (e.g. Hawaiian Shirt, Elvis, and other sorts of outrageousness), or as a centipede (i.e. they are attached to each other). Back in the day, floats were even allowed. The floats were hand-made structures on wheels; my favorite one was the moving tiki bar. And in true tiki bar fashion, they had some libations (I think it was only for their own thirsty team though). Lastly, Bay to Breakers was also one of the few foot races where people could run naked. Sadly, the people who ran naked did not look like Ryan Gosling or Halle Berry (they never do).

1997 B2B Shirt

I kind of miss participating in B2B. It’s almost 20 years since I first ran it. I used to walk or run the B2B every year, but I had to give up running because I realized that running on pavement was creating havoc with my knees (I wanted to save them for my skiing). Also, it was getting way too crowded. Now that I am walking regularly again, I am catching the walking bug once more and, am thinking of registering for next year … maybe.

1998 B2B Tshirt

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