Friday, May 24, 2013

Week 21: Let's Go To The Movies!

This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend. It’s the unofficial start of summer – although the cooler temperatures this past week make it not seem like it is. During the summer, one of our very favorite activities is watching movies. It is a great way to escape the intense summer heat.

We are looking forward to the latest films of the summer. We may even watch two or three films this coming weekend. We usually take in the big productions – particularly the Science Fiction, Action, or Fantasy films.  We’ll have Iron Man, Star Trek, and The Man of Steel to consider for viewing.

We usually make it a “date night” (or day). We’ll start with a meal; then it’s off to the movies; finishing our outing with appetizers/deserts and perhaps some live entertainment – good jazz or something, after the movie.

Pixar movies are a big hit in our household, hence the t-shirt (although most of the time Pixar films come out during the holidays).  Actually, I bought this shirt because I like superhero shirts, and The Incredibles are a group of characters that I can relate to. They tried to have normal lives and tried to hide their super powers, but were rather somewhat unsuccessful (sounds familiar to me). If I had a super power, I think it would be sarcasm or my appetite for yummy desert - or maybe both.

Two thumbs up! See you at the movies! 

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